Welcome To Franklin Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
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Franklin Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine delivers effective, safe, and natural health care to the people of Franklin, Tennessee and the Nashville area. Our treatments are well-suited for a wide range of health conditions. We use a combination approach of acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, and nutrition to achieve optimal results.
We specialize in conditions related to chronic inflammation. This includes auto-immune issues, hormonal imbalances, muscle and joint pain, digestive issues, skin problems and many more issues. Most notably, we provide relief to those suffering from issues related to allergies. We provide a form of allergy desensitization known as SAAT (Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment).
** Now treating alpha-gal allergy with SAAT (Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment).
Franklin Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine delivers safe and effective treatments for the following conditions:
Allergies | Alpha-Gal Syndrome | Anxiety | Arthritis | Asthma | Autoimmune Disorders | Bell’s Palsy | Back Pain | Cancer Support | Carpal Tunnel | Chronic Fatigue | Colds & Flu | Depression | Digestive Issues | Diabetes | Facial Rejuvenation | Infertility | Insomnia | Fibromyalgia | Headaches/Migraines | HIV & AIDS Support | Hypertension | IBS | Insomnia | Menopause | Multiple Sclerosis | Muscle/Joint Pain | Nausea | Neck Pain | Post-Operation Support | Neuropathy | PMS | Pregnancy | Seizures | Smoking Cessation | Stress | Stroke Recovery | Weight Loss
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